20 Mart 2016 Pazar


The Lowry Method for Protein Quantitation

1. Introduction The most accurate method of determining protein concentration is probably acid hydrolysis followed by amino acid analysis. Most other methods are sensitive to the amino acid composition of the protein, and absolute concentrations cannot be obtained (1). The procedure of Lowry et al. (2) is no exception, but its sensitivity is moderately constant from protein to protein, and it has been so widely used that Lowry protein estimations are a completely acceptable alternative to a rigorous absolute determination in almost all circumstances in which protein mixtures or crude extracts are involved. The method is based on both the Biuret reaction, in which the peptide bonds of proteins react with copper under alkaline conditions to produce Cu+, which reacts with the Folin reagent, and the Folin–Ciocalteau reaction, which is poorly understood but in essence phosphomolybdotungstate is reduced to heteropolymolybdenum blue by the copper-catalyzed oxidation of aromatic amino acids. The reactions result in a strong blue color, which depends partly on the tyrosine and tryptophan content. The method is sensitive down to about 0.01 mg of protein/mL, and is best used on solutions with concentrations in the range 0.01–1.0 mg/mL of protein.


Deneyin İlkesi LOWRY METHOD

Alkali ortamda bakır iyonu (Cu+2 ) proteinlerdeki peptid bağları ile bir kompleks oluşturur ve  Cu+1’ e indirgenir. İndirgenmiş bakır ve proteinlerin yan zincirinde yer alan Tyr, Trp ve Cys  aminoasitleri Folin-Fenol reaktifini indirgeyerek renk oluşumuna neden olur olur. Oluşan  rengin şiddeti protein konsantrasyonu ile doğru orantılıdır ve 660 nm’de spektrofotometrik  olarak ölçülür.

Uygulama Basamakları

1.Örnek ve standart tüplerine 1 mL protein çözeltisi ve standart çözeltiler, kör tüpüne de 1  mL saf su koyulur.
2.Tüm tüplere 3 mL C reaktifi eklendi. (C reaktifi 100:1 oranında A ve B reaktifi  karışımından oluşturulur. A reaktifi %2 Na2CO3, % NaOH, % 0.16 Na-tartarat; B reaktifi  ise %4 CuSO4.5H2O’dır.)
3.Oda sıcaklığında 30 dakika bekletilir.
4.Tüm tüplere 300 mL Folin-Fenol reaktifi vortekslenerek eklenir.
5.Oda sıcaklığında 45 dakika bekletilir.
6.Absorbanslar 660 nm’de köre karşı okunur.
7.Protein miktarları oluşturulan standart kalibrasyon grafiğinden yararlanarak hesaplanır.


Referans: Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL and Randall RJ. 1951 Protein measurement  with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry 193: 265-275